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The importance of content curation in a corporate communication policy

It has been trending since 2011. Content curation or data curation has been adopted by many online newspapers operating in different sectors. What about commercial communicators in companies?

Commercial communicators must use content curation

Thanks to the emergence of numerous tools enabling searches of contents likely to interest Internet users, the curation of content has become indispensable to all professionals. The large volume of online newspapers constantly publishing textual content, images and videos on their pages actually use it in their daily work. Although it seems outdated in relation to new technological tools, it can be used to find relevant information to offer to its audience. It is a means that one can adopt to satisfy the thirst for information of its readers. All themes are concerned, be it catering, pharmaceutical products, beauty products, etc. Many online magazines boast themselves for having thousands of subscribers to their newsletters thanks to this means of work, to name only:

  • SmartBrief
  • Shelly Palmer
  • Friday Wrap and many more

However, although it is true in these virtual newspapers, the effectiveness of data curation does not seem to interest other sectors of activity … This is a monumental error.

How to define content curation?

First, let’s look at content curation. This is a really effective technique in that it has enabled many sites to develop their business. Overall, it consists of selecting, editing and sharing the high value-added content published on other sites specialized in a specific field. It focuses on texts, documents, video files, audios and lists them in order to sort the most relevant ones. By sharing them on their own platforms, these professionals attract traffic to themselves. It is also a great way to power your site at lower cost, but in the fastest way without having to create content yourself.

Other ways to use data curation

It can also be used to convey other ideas or to have other concepts such as the use of a product or service adopted by its audience. International firms have made their means of persuasion to push their readers to adhere to their services. Moreover, the world’s first social network will soon be betting on it by adding articles linked to the news of its users. This is how they can simultaneously find articles on political news, the world economy, etc.

Use content curation for new business opportunities

Business communication managers need to consider this positive aspect of content curation. Indeed, this strategy enables them to obtain a high level of commitment from their readers by filling their information needs. Firms that specialize in technology or housing should also be based on original content. This is to offer them other exploitable ideas that serve them in their daily lives in order to improve their lives. Examples: how to develop his house without spending a penny? Human intelligence from various angles, etc.

It is of interest to IT fanatics

Internet users are also extremely fond of content whose themes arouse their interest, such as cybersecurity or the means to protect its computer from computer attacks. As well as being able to offer them information on what cloud engineering is, or to report on cases where the company has had to deal with major problems and the means implemented to solve them. It is a matter of attracting their attention by offering them content that puts them in suspense and therefore likely to interest them in the long term.

Content curation must be an integral part of your communication tactic

Even if it may seem obsolete for some but particularly effective for others, content curation must be part and parcel of the corporate communication strategy. Public relations professionals or the content marketing managers of the companies must thus make it their first-hand tool choice to achieve their objectives. Indeed, it must always provide the best example and show those who wish to follow it how to achieve it.


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