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How to make effective content with the use of empathy

You can create all the content you want, but if the public does not follow and does not connect to it, it will be of no use. In practice, the success of content marketing lies in attracting people to a particular brand and products through content. It can be educational, inspirational or fun to turn prospects into customers.

Empathy should be at the heart of content creation

In terms of content creation, you have to communicate clearly with your audience. Thus, one must understand his problems and have the expertise to solve them. The key to creating this type of content is none other than empathy.

Empathy is defined by the ability to understand as well as to share the feelings of others. Empathy, therefore, consists in putting yourself in your audience’s shoes. In the context of marketing, this means responding to the needs of its audience, doing everything they can to understand the challenges they face. In summary, the content focuses on the audience rather than on its messaging. If through its contents, it is possible to alleviate or reduce the pain and frustration of its public, its brand will emerge as the only winner.

Empathy does not mean that you cannot promote or sell your business. This can be done differently, for example, in the form of a sales guarantee. Empathy will make it possible to meet its audience where it is. To associate more empathy in its content marketing, some tips are needed. It is important to adopt them in its current content creation process.

Getting to know the public better

To understand its audience and know what interests them, it is obvious to know who they are. You have to create the characters of your clients, also called psychographic mapping. It is carried out via a series of questions and answers with your customers. Direct conversations with existing customers can also help. The more you get some assurance on your public, the more you can identify the opportunities to create. One can then resort to valuable content, which will allow them to learn more or content that creates an escape, which creates a welcoming distraction.

Think of your audience before creating the content

Many marketing specialists make a critical mistake when creating a content strategy. Generally, the process is as follows:

  •     The number of content to be created,
  •      The objectives,
  •     The distribution strategy,
  •     The mixture of the content,
  •     The team dedicated to the creation of the content,
  •     The budget,
  •     Management and workflow process.

To be more successful, the process must be reversed. Otherwise, the personalities of his clientele must be used to influence his strategy. The leitmotiv to adopt is: the customer first, then the ideas.

Improve your ideas

Once you have found the broad lines of your content creation based on the personalities of your audience, you can refine them using the tools and resources available. This will ensure that content is always meaningful and relevant to its customers.

You begin by discovering the questions asked by the people on the search engines. It is an excellent starting point to create content that would fit the questions asked by your customers.

Subsequently, it is necessary to look for publications related to your field of activity. We need to analyze what other people have to say about their industry, to do a better job.

Finally, you have to check the calendars of events. You may be able to provide useful content around an event to which its audience is interested.

Always keep customers in the line of sight

The last thing we would want to do is create content that no one cares about. It would be a waste of time and resources. To continue empathic content marketing, you must reduce the topics related to the sale in your content, to increase the time of listening and reflection of your customers.

This does not mean that you can never ask your audience to sign up for a newsletter or download an e-book. This prioritizes a compelling content that attracts your audience. Surely, it will be possible subsequently to propose your goods or services and to push the consumers to the process of purchase.

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