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Using Content Curation For Training In Your Firm

A key strategic issue for the company, Internet monitoring is today a key success factor that enables it to manage its digital reputation or e-reputation, to evaluate trends, to detect areas of development, to follow current events in real time. However, few companies have understood the issues and have developed this competence within the teams.

What is content curation?

Content is king, a king who tends to suffer from obesity, so much is the mass of information circulating within the organisations. Faced with this “infobesity”, the cure of content offers a remedy with a strong social dimension that combines speed of elaboration, ease of updating and adaptability to promote the development of an organization’s talents.

Content curation is complementary to the training insofar as it is part of a learning strategy or in targeted initiatives. We will thus bring a thematic, an object of training, while recognising that knowledge already exists and that it can be identified valorised and thus facilitate the release of meaning for learners.

To understand the value of curating content, let’s just think of Pinterest, and LinkedIn groups, where someone has already found what interests us most and shares it with us, with comments that add value.

Content curation has many advantages

A fairly recent trend, the curation of content attracts more and more companies. It allows a certain rapidity in that, rather than creating sophisticated long courses, you will assemble quickly digestible and assimilable knowledge in a very short time. It also allows a lot of agility to react quickly and update its contents. Another advantage of curation, and not least, is the ability to address heterogeneous profiles of learners. For organizations with a wide variety of profiles, it is complicated to offer the same training for all. Content curation helps to equip learners so that they can find the content they need in the right place.

Improving its relations with the players in its field

This may not sound like much to some, and downright suicidal to others, but the Web is so that there reigns sharing. So sharing the content of your colleagues, suppliers or customers will make them more likely to do the same for you. Your relations and especially your visibility will be improved.

Improve the relevance of its contents

The content curation is known to enable the publication of relevant content. Indeed, commenting on another article or drawing inspiration from it to write its own article will allow you to raise the level of quality of your own content. In addition, it may inspire you to write your own articles on topics you may not have thought of.

Improve your chances of being broadcast

As we explained earlier, sharing the content of others will give you more chances to see your content shared in turn. Your visibility will therefore be improved. You will open your market to a new audience and perhaps discover points of complementarity with those you consider to be hard-core competitors to date.
In addition, improving the quality of your content will give you access to more readers through a better SEO.

Educate your readers, and your prospects

C content curation is a great opportunity to let your audience know about your skills. You can also make them think about some of the problems they encounter by suggesting solutions that you propose. They will thank you.

Curation is social by nature

The social dimension, on the other hand, is almost indissociable from the curation of content; it is even one of its strengths. All tools for content curation involve two-way, network and community communications. These tools are based on the ability to interact.

You obtain much credibility

All the advantages I have described so far have a direct consequence: improving your credibility with your customers, prospects, partners and search engines (which should never be forgotten on the internet!).

  • Before ending here are some tricks to be a good curator
  • Avoid duplicate content by systematically adding original text to your curations of contents;
  • Make links only to sites of impeccable quality – Google wakes up;
  • The items listed must be relevant to your field of activity;
  • Integrate all content formats: texts, photos, videos, computer graphics.

Content Curation is easy and cheap

Indeed, the work of content curation should not rest on the shoulders of a single person, but on a group that will validate the content, react, point to other sources and share them with as many people as possible. As you can see, content curation is simple. This is especially true if you use dedicated tools. And above all, it is cheap.

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